I was more than a little steamed when I heard a commentator say on one of the Sunday show that pretty soon every state would be doing what Minnesota does -- using the money for something else. I thought" Hello!" Minnesota doesn't even get the SCHIP money because the state had Minnesota Care in place before the SCHIP program was conceived. Washington State is another one that takes a bath on this progrma
oh alexander...it is a terrible horrible no good very bad day, and by day i do mean political world.
ReplyDeleteI was more than a little steamed when I heard a commentator say on one of the Sunday show that pretty soon every state would be doing what Minnesota does -- using the money for something else. I thought" Hello!" Minnesota doesn't even get the SCHIP money because the state had Minnesota Care in place before the SCHIP program was conceived. Washington State is another one that takes a bath on this progrma