31 December 2009
ed is a dancing queen
28 December 2009
i think i know where this is

from oddlyspecific.com
27 December 2009
21 December 2009
14 December 2009
07 December 2009
04 December 2009
Adventures in Counterfeiting
03 December 2009
30 November 2009
25 November 2009
24 November 2009
are you legally a douche?
Insurer Must Defend 'Douche' Defamation Suit, Judge Says
Daniel Wise
Calling someone a "douche" may be bad manners but it does not give an insurance company grounds to disavow a policy protecting against defamation claims, a state judge has ruled. Manhattan Supreme Court Justice Judith J. Gische ruled that because calling someone a "douche" or "douche bag" is an opinion, not a statement of provable fact, the Graphic Arts Mutual Insurance Co. must pay the legal costs of public relations firm owner Drew Kerr, who was sued by a rival.
The insurance coverage dispute arose after Kerr, according to an affidavit he submitted, sought to criticize a technique used by a competitor, Ronn Torossian. Mimicking Torossian's practice of purchasing domain names containing the names of competitors, Kerr purchased the domain "www.ronntorossianpr." On the site was posted a photo of a package of "Summer's Eve Douche." Torossian's company, 5W Public Relations, according to its Web site, is the 21st largest public relations firm in the nation.
"To the extent that Mr. Kerr's action implied a statement that Mr. Torossian was "a 'douche' or 'douche bag,'" Gische wrote in Four Corners Communications Inc. v. Graphic Arts Mutual Insurance Company, 601166/09, it is an opinion which "is not capable of being proven false." Based on that finding, Gische found that the insurance company could not rely on a provision of the policy exempting defamation coverage of statements made "with knowledge of falsity."
21 November 2009
the only way to relate a no-hitter on acid
19 November 2009
18 November 2009
17 November 2009
16 November 2009
11 November 2009
09 November 2009
a night in carroll gardens
coming home late night after a saturday sunset park bowling adventure, we took our usual route down smith street. carroll gardens, as many of you know, is an old italian neighborhood, after being irish for a time, then norwegian - longshoreman, mostly, what with the nearness of the heavily-trafficked port of brooklyn, not to mention the industrial wasteland of the gowanus canal. there are a number of italian social clubs, though not as many as there once were. the doors of these clubs tend to be manned by barrel-chested, cigar-smoking beefcakes. who knows what goes on behind the heavily-curtained windows, but it likely has something to do with waste management. this is not the kind of place you mess around - which reminds me, i wonder how these halloween vandals are doing.
but i digress. it was midnight on smith street. we emerged from the subway to a large cadre of italians emerging from a local restaurant, faces flush with drink, their hearty laughs and cigar smoke filling the brisk fall air. breaking off from the group, a woman with a cane gingerly made her way towards the open door of a mammoth SUV. being that i spent a few months last year on crutches and canes, i'm sensitive to the particular plights of the cane-bound. i made my way to give her a hand and close the door behind her. suddenly the men from the group surrounded me. HEY!! LOOK AT THIS GENTLEMAN! WHAT A FINE MAN, HELPING THIS WOMAN! SO COURTEOUS!! SO CHIVALROUS! as they shouted, these large, drunk italians grabbed me by the shoulders, shook my hands, embraced me. i was mobbed by the mob. the husband of the woman happily demanded why i would dare to make him look bad in front of his old lady. they pulled kathryn aside and advised her to marry me immediately. they howled and hooted like wild things.
we walked on, marveling at the midnight magic, at the unforgettable adventures that new york city presses upon you, at the ecstatic night filled with wine-soaked laughter and the lingering scent of overly-cologned italians.
05 November 2009
Vacation over!
08 June 2009
21 May 2009
04 May 2009
28 April 2009
27 April 2009
24 April 2009
23 April 2009
05 March 2009
02 March 2009
18 February 2009
17 February 2009
12 February 2009
10 February 2009
arctic unicorns!
check out this video of narwhal. i love david attenborough.
also, here is a video about a john cage composition that is 639 years long. they just changed the chord!
09 February 2009
song of the day (friday)
05 February 2009
song of the day
check out this video to see instruments delivered from heaven.
driving test
but i only failed it once.
L-test hell for S Korean driver
A South Korean grandmother has failed her written driving test 771 times.
Police in the city of Jeonju said the 68-year-old woman has taken, and failed, the written test repeatedly since April 2005.
She failed the exam once again on Monday but has said that she will continue trying.
The woman, identified only by her family name Cha, has repeatedly scored between 30 and 50 marks, below the pass mark of 60 out of 100.
The Korea Times reports that Mrs Cha sells food and household items door to door at apartment complexes.
She currently carries the items in a handcart, but thought that she might need a car for her business.
Police estimate she has spent more than four million won (£2,000) to take the written test, with each test costing 6,000 won, in addition to other expenses.
"I feel sorry every time I see Cha fail. When she passes, I'll make a commemorative tablet myself and give it to her," says Park Jung-seok, a traffic police officer.
Mrs Cha has said that she will be back for another attempt. If she passes, then she can begin the practical test.
04 February 2009
one last disturbing thought before bed.
but wait. that's still not enough.
now she's gone to brazil because the state of texas REFUSED to put any more silicone in her boobs... she already has a GALLON in there. so disgusting.
here are her new, world-record setting 38 KKK size breasts. and with them, i have to assume, new, world-record setting back pain.

song of the day
03 February 2009
on the subject of michael phelps
have you seen what he eats?
how do you think he keeps his appetite up?

02 February 2009
pillow fight
but i am like teenage-obsession obsessed with this song by band of horses.
30 January 2009
song of the day
this is old but it's still awesome!
a cop stole pot from a suspect, made brownies with his wife, and then thought he was dying!
you can listen to his 911 call here.
"what's the score on the red wings game? i just want to make sure this isn't an hallucination."
29 January 2009
song of the day proves controversial.
it would be kind of weird, right? if mike doughty took my blog post personally? i just thought the last couple albums have been a little overproduced. "ghastly" was harsh.
i love mike doughty. i can even recite a fair number of doughty's songs from start to finish. oh doughty. please forgive me. remember the show at the charles river bandshell? maybe 1998? you signed my friend's dugout. you wrote that you did not condone. that was awesome.
song of the day
so i have decided to sort of steal from my friend steve. hey, i bet you're thinking, steve is a pretty nice guy, why are you stealing from him?
well, steve has this great blog with songs of the week. i am going to go on a voyage on the one ups man ship. i am going to try and post a new song every day! that way i will always have something to say. because you all know that i have a hard time thinking of things to say.
today: snow in new york, and i hear the bells. a rare quality song from mike doughty's ghastly solo albums.
28 January 2009
cello scrotum.
Peer reveals 'cello scrotum' hoax
A top doctor has admitted her part in hoodwinking a leading medical journal after inventing a medical condition called "cello scrotum".
Elaine Murphy - now Baroness Murphy - dreamt up the painful complaint in the 1970s, sending a report to the British Medical Journal.
She came clean when the hoax resurfaced in the 2008 Christmas edition.
A BMJ spokesman said the inclusion and subsequent debunking of "cello scrotum" had "added to the gaiety of life".
![]() | ![]() ![]() Baroness Murphy |
The spoof was inspired by a similar report of a phenomenon called "guitar nipple", which happened when the edge of the guitar was pressed against the breast, causing irritation.
"We thought it highly likely to be a spoof, and decided to go one further by submitting a similar phenomenon in cellists, " wrote Murphy - and her husband, in the latest edition of the journal.
"Anyone who has ever watched a cello being played would realise the physical impossibility of our claim.
"Somewhat to our astonishment, the letter was published."
Baroness Murphy, formerly a professor at Guy's and St Thomas' Hospital in London, did not sign the 1974 letter herself, fearing that she might get into trouble.
Her husband John, now chairman of a Suffolk brewery, signed it instead.
Scrotal flak
The couple said that they had been "dining out" on the hoax for years, but decided to confess after seeing "cello scrotum" referenced in an article last month in the journal.
A spokesman for the BMJ said that, 34 years on, no-one faced the sack for failing to spot the implausible condition.
He said: "We did, actually, get a letter from another doctor at the time pointing out how unlikely it was.
"We may have to organise a formal retraction or correction now. Once these things get into the scientific literature, they stay there for good. But it all adds to the gaiety of life."
His point was illustrated by a brief search of other medical journals - with "cello scrotum" referenced several times over the years, including by one scholar who debated whether it was in fact an awkward contact with the chair, rather than the instrument itself, that might be the source of irritation.27 January 2009
26 January 2009
Cat fight
Two women had bumped into each other trying to get on the F train and one was like uh-unh shorty, back off bitch! And she slapped the other woman and they started slapping each other's faces and wrasslin against a door. A couple people along with me pulled them apart and then I stood like a bodyguard between them, silently with my arms crossed, with a plastic covered library copy of italo calvino short stories in one hand and the other shaking a bit from adrenaline.
They kept yelling at each other until a lady cop further down the train was like, shut the hell up, don't make me call the cops... Which I found confusing.
23 January 2009
adventures in crapstone
No Snickering: That Road Sign Means Something Else

22 January 2009
21 January 2009
seen this before?
14 January 2009
a flying car!! sort of.
i am SO not impressed.
13 January 2009
12 January 2009
09 January 2009
08 January 2009
the best amazon product review. ever.
07 January 2009
why never to go skiing

A skier was left dangling from a chairlift at an American resort after he became stuck upside-down with his ski trousers round his ankles.
Photos show the man naked from his waist to his knees, swinging from one leg, and still wearing both skis.
He became entangled shortly after boarding the Skyline Express lift.
The lift was stopped and reversed about 12ft (3.6m) before he was freed by the Vail Ski Patrol, Vail Resort said in a statement about the 1 January incident.
The resort operator said the 48-year-old man was suspended for about seven minutes, but was uninjured.06 January 2009
have you seen man on wire?
my most recent exciting adventure was shopping. post christmas sales baby! i got a new pair of frye boots for christmas. omg they are so pretty!