10 April 2007


that was a scream. i'm at the nyu library and i just needed to let something out. nyu hosts red hot's archives, which is great because we don't have to pay for cold storage in jersey any more. but i came in an hour ago and needed a copy of an 11 page folder. an hour later, i'm still waiting for the folder to be copied. seriously? i mean, i could copy 11 pages quick. well, i wouldn't take an hour. truthfully, i probably couldn't do it as fast as tempy.


  1. Tempy copies so fast you don't even see me leave my seat...

  2. Because she tells someone else to do the work.

  3. It must be something in the air today, for I nearly lost it with an outside consultant at work today that has done actions that significantly damaged the morale of our group.
