12 April 2007

three reasons why i hate my job today

1. because the office is too hot when it's cold outside, and i'm sure it'll be too cold when it's hot.

2. because i used to have a great computer, and then my co-worker lost his other job and took my workstation, and now i work on a pc running windows 2000 and i want to blow it up.

3. because the office manager's office, which houses my beloved postage machine, has had a do not disturb sign on it for the past two hours. the sign is in arabic. i think she's a terrorist.


  1. and we learned nothing from the fate of our unfortunate sister? do not post about your job on your blog. duh.

  2. yeah, jeez, i just wrote the words "terrorism," "arabic" and "blow it up" online. and suddenly i'm getting strange comments from biby cletus in kerala india.

    coincidence? i think not.
