i'm at work, and since there's no internet (again) upstairs, i brought things downstairs. it's not like *anyone* is coming to a dive bar on easter sunday anyways. so i have my book (ben okri's songs of enchantment -- more on that later) and my computer to keep me company.
i'm a little freaked out. yesterday while i was out shopping, my driver's license fell out of my wallet -- at the same intersection where i lost my wallet last year. it's not like i ever drive in the city, but uh oh, i'm going to spain in three weeks and driving all over the place. oh, did i mention it was a california license and that you can only get a replacement in person? i've got a shot at getting a new york license, but it's going to come down to the wire.
jesus totally hates me.

yea, and verily jesus spoke, and said, get of my house with those garbage shots.
um. yes that easter at the vatican definetly counts for double.