30 April 2008
i'm just back from the hospital. here's the latest:
after the oncologist took one look at my walnut-sized lymph node, she said the biopsy was more or less a formality and that we should prepare for surgery. after some blood tests i went down and got my PET scan scheduled for tomorrow. i should have a full pathology report by tomorrow afternoon or friday and then we'll know a lot more about what's real and how far (if at all) beyond the lymph node the cancer has spread.
in the meantime, my surgery is scheduled for friday the 9th of may - which coincidentally is also when my dad comes into town. it'll be SO nice to have him here, especially since they say i'll have drainage problems in my leg after the surgery so i can't leave the hospital for at least a couple of days. that sounds like an awesome weekend! also, once i escape NYU i'll be on crutches for a couple weeks. i am SO not looking forward to commuting on crutches.
i should know a lot more after the scan and report tomorrow. thanks to everyone who has texted or emailed or called or just psychically sent their love. i'll keep y'all posted.
29 April 2008
best boss ever.
for those who missed it, the same book was knocked out of my hands and down onto the subway tracks. i was really missing it and my commute was suddenly endless without a good book.
but now it's back!
best boss ever.
Tuesday is the day of the week between Monday and Wednesday.
...In business, particularly office work, studies have shown that Tuesday is usually the most productive day of the week. Some of these people consider Tuesday to be their least favorite day, because they are not as relaxed as Monday (due to the weekend preceding it), yet they still have most of the work week ahead of them.
28 April 2008
also, i have a biopsy scheduled for wednesday. hopefully that will go as well as our new phone system!
after the party wound down i went out for a nightcap. the rain was starting to fall just as i got home. i walked up the stairs and discovered that the last person to leave had closed and locked the door at the top of the stairs, which is proper apartment party etiquette but WE DON'T HAVE A KEY FOR THAT DOOR. i seriously almost cried. i did not feel like sleeping on my stairs.
it was so bad-ass. i'm not much of a bad-ass so i have to fully embrace it every chance i get! if you ever have a chance to kick down a door, it's awesome. just aim next to the door handle. i got through on the first kick! the door is fine but i did manage to crack the frame in half. ha ha! good thing we don't have a lease!
i hope you all have an awesome, bad-ass door-kicking monday. my day is great so far - especially the part where the subway doors closed on me and knocked my book out of my hands and DOWN THROUGH THE GAP ONTO THE TRACKS. and just as the hero-explorer returned home to his long-suffering penelope!
does anyone have a copy of t.c. boyle's water music?
25 April 2008
kings of kings county
me! i am! and my friend bk11201.
do you read the brooklyn daily eagle? well if you do then you would see THIS ARTICLE TODAY THAT MENTIONS MY BLOG BY NAME!
Historically Speaking: Researching Brooklyn — Online
2nd to last paragraph:
Adventures in Brooklyn and BK 11201 recount personal tales with pictures. Brooklyn Enthusiast deals with food and recipes as does Bread, Coffee, Chocolate, Yoga and All in Brooklyn. Frisket of Hicks Street recently became Frisket of Main Street: it’s about this dog. Two others have Brooklyn Bridge pix: Never Sleepist and Sam I Am.
follow these steps to have an awesome day:
step one: wake up at six am groggy with a slight hangover. don't go back to sleep!
step two: murderous cops acquitted for shooting a man 50 times the night before his wedding.
step three: discover that dhl lost your present for a departing co-worker on her last day.
step four: find out that rain is more than likely for your big weekend barbeque.
step five: call from doctor reveals positive test for melanoma.
step six: oooh, what's next? how much more awesome can this day get?
i think i'll move to australia.
24 April 2008
ah, work. if you didn't pay my bills, i would totally break up with you.
my favorite day
yes, i know i'm a bit behind.
my god it's beautiful today. madison square park has never looked better. except that there are no silver trees, which is still a little sad to me.
so as you know, i cleaned my patio on tuesday night. last night it was time for spring cleaning of my room. is there anything as satisfying? (yes. iced coffee.) i even found a way to display my ever-expanding collection of bar coasters.
my housemate asked me, where did you get all of these?

23 April 2008
the day for us
and you know what? they actually produced a card signed by my boss - who has been in nashville since yesterday morning! it's a snoopy card and it has that lovable, incomprehensible yellow bird woodstock answering the phones and fixing the computers and finding lost files and it says (folding out)
You have a way...
Of saving the day...
i am a little teary-eyed.
to my co-workers, i say
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y'know, like how woodstock speaks in lines?
you know what i like?
last night
22 April 2008
visiting the doctor
this morning i went to the doctor.
you know what?
i hate going to the doctor. they strip you down to your underwear, they poke and prod and question. so little personal connection.
now, i did have a reason to go. that lymph node continues to grow. and the mole on my left thigh was of epic proportions before its mostly painless removal this morning. i love that my leg was cauterized this morning.
i wasn't too worried about it until my new doctor sent me immediately to a dermatologist who saw me as soon as i got there and put a rush order on my newly-liberated mole and considering a potential biopsy next week.
yay for cancer scares!
see? i never should have gone to the doctor.
21 April 2008
dear jewish co-worker,
the brisket was delicious.
as were the coconut macaroons.
i wish every day were passover.
yogurt castle mystery
walking back to the car. giggling with my sisters. creating a new theme song for yogurt castle: "take me away to land of magic... and yogurt."
then i noticed this on their back door:

we can interpret this in a number of ways.
t's possible that a pirate lives behind the door. as in, "ARRRRRR! STOP SPITTING IN ME FOOD!"
or perhaps it's a message from the door. "STOP SPITTING IN ME." and then the door is named food. or it's aimed at someone named food. i like this one and imagine it being delivered in the same tone that billy madison says "STOP LOOKING AT ME, SWAN!"
i suppose it's possible that yogurt castle customers, disillusioned by low yogurt-based standards, started spitting inside the castle's back door to express their displeasure. and the staff wanted to warn them that was food inside the door and that people should stop spitting.
it's the personification of the door that is most puzzling. it's not "STOP SPITTING IN HERE." it's "IN ME." like the door is personally offended.
this appears to be a mystery that will forever remain unsolved.
it was me. i'm sorry.
who put the dead bird in my mailbox? - w4m - 27 (crown heights)
Reply to: pers-649331801@craigslist.org
Date: 2008-04-20, 12:56PM EDT
a) how did you get into my mailbox in the first place, it is locked
b) did you kill the bird
c) it died horribly, that much was clear
d) you're psycho
e) do I know you
f) if I do know you I don't want to know you
g) if I don't know you, what did I do to inspire you to put a dead bird in my mailbox
h) I don't know how to disinfect a mailbox from a dead bird, I'm worried about diseases and have used five different kinds of cleaner but still feel like the bird's still in there still and like my bills and my catalogues and my coupons have dead bird on them
i) it was a hummingbird, I looked it up - they don't even live in New York - this is so f*ing psycho, I can't believe this
j) are you the mailman?
k) I'm always nice to the mailman
l) the super didn't care when I told him what happened
m) the neighbors didn't care either
n) do you have some kind of problem with birds
o) don't put anything else in my mailbox
p) unless it's an apology
q) no, I take that back, I don't even want an apology
r) what am I supposed to do with this bird - it's in bubblewrap in a bag in a shoebox in the freezer right now - am I supposed to bury it - where? how? in a construction site where they've jackhammered through the concrete - where is a person supposed to bury things in this city?
s) I could drop it in the Gowanus canal, but that seems undignified
t) I could drop it in the ocean, but the ocean is so big and it is such a small bird
u) I could drop it in the toilet but it would probably get stuck
v) I hear this whirring around my ears every time I go to the mailbox and I'm pretty sure it's ghost bird, and I'm all "it wasn't me that killed you, bird!" but still the whirring doesn't go away until I get to the stairwell
w) am I supposed to eat it - maybe you were trying to feed me - don't you know I'm a vegetarian
x) if this was Ricky, I'm gonna beat your ass, mama told you stop bothering the zoo
y) if this was Gina, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, how many times I gotta say I'm sorry
z) I could drop it off the roof, maybe it will reincarnate while falling and I can start reading my mail again
18 April 2008
use with caution
do you know what that means? i didn't. so i looked it up. not sure that i should have.
warning! this is dirty.
from urbandictionary.com
snizzle | : | |
A clean shaven, tight and ripe young vagina. When bent over the snizzle replicates the look of a freshly sliced Freestone peach. |
but now we all know. and knowing is half the battle. GI JOE!
17 April 2008
i miss you
16 April 2008
so busy!
i hope you guys are doing well. let's hang out after i've slept like a hundred hours in a row.
15 April 2008
so very, very tired
california was pretty rad. i hiked through the redwoods. i ate mexican food. i watched charlie rose with my grandparents. i took naps with my grandparents. i said goodbye to my grandparents, potentially for the last time, which was really not so rad. in fact it was pretty sad. but if my spine was slowly disintegrating for the last 20 years, i think i might be ready to go too.
i'm too tired and sad for more. maybe tomorrow after some non-airplane-based sleep.
14 April 2008
wide open spaces
11 April 2008
10 April 2008
proving the existence of god
working under the gun to prepare press packets for a meeting is difficult with this unbelievably slow inkjet printer i have.
my big accomplishment today: a friend of mine works for 20 minutos, a spanish daily in the a.m./metro vein. for those of you who speak spanish, here's his blog: http://blogs.20minutos.es/entradagratuita/
he's working on a story about the olympic torch protests in san francisco and was trying to get in touch with someone involved. i still have a strand or two of connection to my days as an erstwhile political activist in the bay, and they are still just strong enough. thanks to a friend, i was able to track down the email of one of the climbers from the golden gate banner hang.
and there is my contribution to international journalism for the day.
[pats self on back]
09 April 2008
hoooo boy!
but i've never gotten postcards from the dead. check out this email from a friend:
I am NOT open-minded about talking to the dead, but I have gotten two actual communications from Matt posthumously. One was a postcard that didn't arrive until after he died that he sent from Boston and it had a picture of a sheep dressed as a prostitute on it, and all matt had written was "enough said." I wonder what he was exactly thinking....but the thought of the slutty sheep is always something that makes me chuckle.
The other was a voicemail that somehow didn't show up on my phone until after he died. And it is a message of him singing (which may not come across in email) "I am hungry and I want some dinner." I think it is the perfect message from him because it is such a typical example of how something that was so mundane, with Matt became exciting, fun, and interesting.

yay mets! boo mets bullpen.

07 April 2008
the importance of internet video
and our lives changed forever. or until the t1 line is installed.
now a 2 minute video clip takes 10 minutes to load. 10 minutes! what am i supposed to do with that time? actual work? who do these people think i am?
so people, if you have funny videos of babies laughing or people singing strange songs about chocolate rain, save them for late april when our internet is upgraded.
oh well, whatever, never mind.
The Times retracts Tupac Shakur story
busy monday!
how freaking ridiculously beautiful was it on saturday? i walked all over brooklyn and manhattan with my dad, from the heights to the empire ferry, from koreatown to the west village and all points in between. my god, this city can sparkle.
this grayness and 40 degree temperatures is so not ok. good thing i'm going to california on friday morning!
ok now i have to write things about zootopia. the lineup won't be released until tonight, but i know you'll all be knocking down my door to get tickets!
04 April 2008
red tail hawks are awesome
but now, i've got to say, my respect for them is on a whole new level...
An omen? Hawk attacks girl with a familiar-sounding name at Fenway
(John Tlumacki/Globe Staff)
By Andrew Ryan, Globe Staff
A certain New York Yankee slugger should beware: A student taking a tour of Fenway Park today was attacked by a red-tailed hawk that swooped off its nest, drawing blood from the girl’s scalp.
Her name: Alexa Rodriguez. Her age: 13, the same jersey number the Yankee third baseman wears.
“She’s fine, a little shaken, but OK,” said Vince Jennetta, a teacher who chaperoned Rodriguez's class trip from Memorial Boulevard Middle School in Bristol, Conn.
The eighth-grader was taken by ambulance to a local hospital and treated for the small scratch on her scalp.
The 3 1/2-pound hawk has been building nests at Fenway since 2002, but has always been chased out before opening day so she and her mate could find a new home, said Tom French, assistant director of MassWildlife.
This spring the raptor used a brown-knit cap and twigs from trees on Yawkey Way to build a nest on a green overhang near the press booth above home plate. She laid a brown-speckled egg last week, but it rolled off the nest, wasn’t properly incubated, and was no longer viable, French said.
Wildlife officials removed the egg and the nest after the hawk's attack, which was captured by veteran Globe photographer John Tlumacki.
Could it be an omen for Yankee Alex Rodriguez, who once got in a glove-in-the-face scuffle with Red Sox catcher Jason Varitek at Fenway in 2004?
“I deal in science, not mythology,” French said, refusing to make any baseball predictions based on the feisty hawk. “Although you could say she has done a good job protecting her home plate.”
03 April 2008
the band
life tracking by feltron
this guy tracks his life minutae to an incomprehensible level.
he's just published his annual report.
wow. this is mind-blowing.
http://www.catsinsinks.com/ - "for all your cat and bathroom needs"
02 April 2008
talk about 420 friendly!!!!
while reading the article, an ad for this site popped up.
"Welcome to Potpartner.com, we know how hard it is for people that smoke marijuana to be accepted by people who do not. You meet a new person, but bringing up that you like to smoke is often a deal break with someone that does not smoke. So here we are Potpartner.com is a place for people to find others that enjoy smoking marijuana or are tolerant to it. Potpartner.com is not a place to come score marijuana, this is a dating site pure and simple, and for people who like to smoke marijuana. We hope you enjoy our site."
more magical instant messaging
skiznap the misadventures of 18:01
so, a raccoon came up to the front door yesterday afternoon, which is weird because they usually dont come out during the day. he then casually walked into the shed. we thought he might of had rabies, so i go the gun out. he was hiding under a sheet of metal, but i could see his eyes. i shot him right between the eyes. when we went to get him later i saw that the bullet had went through his eye and came out his ass. wow
the best karaoke performance ever
but can anything beat this? not even abigail singing all right now.
what is this thing?
what is this thing called sleep? did i really just get seven completely uninterrupted hours? i honestly can't remember the last time i managed that.
last night after work i walked to union square and it was warm and beautiful and a metalhead totally smashed himself up on his skateboard and couples kissed and all was right with the world. and then i did yoga at jivamukti and ate my favorite salad ever at the gray dog cafe and then i called my grandparents and told them i loved them and then i went to sleep.
it was weird.
saturday survey
but now it turns out that we'll have a saturday night to go out on the town. and i'm looking for some help!
what should i do? so far things that appeal to me are patrick stewart's macbeth, paul simon at BAM or the ukulele festival in the LES. but i'm open to anything cool that's not too late, expensive or loud.
*not necessarily true
01 April 2008
is this real?
what do you think -- is this real?
Undersea ironing record draws press
CANBERRA (Reuters) - A group of 72 Australian scuba divers has flattened the world record for ironing under water, taking the plunge off a pier near the southern city of Melbourne with ironing boards and irons, and their linen.
So-called "extreme ironing" has spawned a cult following in recent years. The Web site extremeironing.com espouses it as being the "latest danger sport that combines the thrills of an extreme outdoor activity with the satisfaction of a well pressed shirt."
The Australian group, who pipped the previous mark of 70, are seeking entry to the Guinness book of world records after taking their linen into murky, 3-metre-deep (9.8 foot) ocean on Saturday.
"It was cold and I think they were bloody crazy," local councilor Tom O'Connor, who with police helped authenticate the new record, told Reuters on Tuesday.
Event organizer Debbie Azzopardi said the group eclipsed a 2005 record set in a swimming pool at nearby Geelong, which in turn beat a world mark set in New Zealand.
The irons all had their electrical cords removed for the attempt, which took place in chilly pre-winter seas.
"I was having a chardonnay (wine) a few years ago with a girlfriend and I thought I'm going to beat that. We had a few fish going by and a sting ray. It was great," Azzopardi said.
wait, for reals? extremeironing.com. wow.
a handy tool
check out their newest development...
yay for internet! boo for bars closing.
so yeah, you all know that fun died last night. magnetic field has officially closed its doors. i don't think i could put it any better than this.
it was an incredible experience, looking around last night and seeing endless faces of people i have come to care for so deeply, people that care for each other (even if "caring" sometimes means "let's drink all night"). what an amazing family that was, is, and will continue to be, in some form or another.
i am feeling awesome today. april = detox!